Fairmont Shooting Complex
Trap • Rifle • Pistol

Rifle Range
Members may use the rifle/pistol range 8 am to 10 pm daily. The range will be closed during IDPA events, trapshooting, and other reserved times. Check our event calendar to see when the range will be closed. Before using the range fill out a range use form and drop it in the box at the range. If you are a guest include your $5 daily use fee. Please clean up after yourself when using the range. Place garbage in the garbage barrel and spent casings in the casings barrel.

Keep up with current information and see what is going on at the Fairmont Trap Club!

ATA Shooting
Join our Amature Trap Shooting events.

League Shooting
League shooting begins April 30, 2024.

Check out the International Defensive Pistol Association.

Gun Shows
Stay in the know for upcoming gun shows.
Trap Club Shooting
League shooting has started. We are currently finishing up 16’s, but there is still time to put a team together for handicap. In addition to handicaps our doubles league is starting now. The season will end with a team tournament and picnic. More information on the tournament will be posted in the clubhouse. Teams will be assigned traps on a first-come first-served basis. Make-ups & shoot-aheads may be done any Tuesday or Thursday.
Come out and join us for some defensive pistol shooting fun! Test your handgun skills and have some fun with exciting self defense shooting scenarios. New and experienced shooters are welcome. The cost to shoot is $5 if a member of the club and $10 for non-members. Set up begins at 5 pm with shooting beginning at 6 pm.
About Us
The Fairmont Trap Club is a shooting sports facility located near Granada, Minnesota. We have a trapshooting range and a 200-yard rifle/pistol range. We have a league for trapshooting and IDPA style pistol events. We also host ATA events throughout the summer.

Fairmont Trap Club
Fairmont Shooting Complex
Trap . Rifle . Pistol

Rich Wolf, President